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Read to Succeed

Summer Reading Camp

One of the many components of Read to Succeed is third grade summer reading camps. Each district must identify third grade students who are not reading proficiently on grade level and provide them with the opportunity to attend a summer reading camp. During the summer reading camps students will be taught by highly qualified teachers who have experience in working with struggling readers. Students will have the opportunity to receive small group and individual instruction to work on their reading, writing, listening, and researching skills.

Read to Suceed Endorsements

Learn about Read to Succeed endorsements.

Reading Plans

The South Carolina State Reading Plan was developed by the SCDE to support development, implementation, evaluation, and continuous refinement of a comprehensive state literacy plan for prekindergarten through grade five. The purpose of reading plans is to improve reading achievement and provide guidance to districts and schools as they work to support the reading and writing development of their students using strategies and interventions aligned to the science of reading.

Sumter School District 2024 Reading Plan

Third Grade Retention

Act 114 requires that beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, a student must be retained in the third grade if the student fails to demonstrate reading proficiency by scoring Does Not Meet Expectations on SC READY Reading. A student may be exempt for good cause from the mandatory retention but shall continue to receive instructional support and services and reading intervention appropriate for their age and reading level. GCEs remain the same except for the reading portfolio which has been removed as a GCE. Successful completion of Summer Reading camp is defined more narrowly to include alternate formative assessments or reassessment of SC READY and revised cut scores to reflect the requirements of Act 114.


Christine Carnes

Coordinator of Elementary ELA, Social Studies, and Read to Succeed
1345 Wilson Hall Rd
Sumter, South Carolina 29150