Academically Gifted Programs
Academic Program Referral
Administrators, parents, teachers, and students may refer students in grades 3-9 for screening for the gifted and talented program. To nominate a student for screening, complete the form linked below.
All students will be screened with MAP Growth Reading and Math in the Fall and Spring of each year. The SC Ready ELA and Math scores are also evaluated for every student. Second grade students are screened through census testing that takes place in late October. Because the screening process is multi-faceted, additional testing may be required.
Identification of Students for Academic Gifted and Talented Programs
Gifted and talented students may be found within any racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic group; within genders; and within populations with disabilities.
Gifted and talented identification uses three dimensions: A. Reasoning Abilities, B. High Achievement in Reading and/or mathematical area(s), and C. Intellectual/Academic Performance.
A student can be identified as gifted by one of the following ways.
- Student meets the criteria for two of the three dimensions listed below. Possible combinations include meeting the criteria for dimensions A & B or A & C or B & C.
- Dimension A only. Student earns a composite/total score at or above the 96th national age percentile on a nationally normed aptitude test. (See Dimension A column below for examples of possible tests.)
Dimension A Reasoning Abilities |
Dimension B High Achievement |
Dimension C Academic Performance |
93rd national age percentile or higher on a nationally normed aptitude test in the area of verbal/linguistics, quantitative/mathematical, nonverbal and/or a composite/total of the three. Examples: A student may meet the criteria for Dimension A with a score of a 97th%tile on a Verbal assessment and would qualify as gifted by also meeting the criteria for either Dimension B or Dimension C. OR A student who receives a composite/total score at the 96th%tile or above on a Dimension A assessment would automatically qualify without needing to met Dimension B or Dimension C. |
94th national percentile or higher on approved subtest (reading comprehension and/or math concepts and problem solving). If approved subtests are unavailable, the total reading and/or total math score is used. OR A qualifying score* in Reading and/or Math on SCREADY. *Qualifying scores are determined yearly based on the population taking the assessment. Scores range in the top 10%. |
Students entering grades 3-6: Performance Task Assessment
Students entering grades 6-12:
*Academic areas include ELA (Reading), Math, Science, and Social Studies. |
Examples: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) |
Examples: Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS), SCREADY |