Artistically Gifted Programs
Sumter School District is now accepting screening requests for the REACH 2025 Summer Arts Program.
Sumter School District's program for students gifted in the arts, REACH, is again offering a summer arts program for students currently in grades 3-11 that have been identified as gifted in Visual Arts, Music (Chorus), or Theatre. Per South Carolina's guidelines for gifted student identification, students referred for screening for the REACH program will endure a three-step, intensive selection process that includes:
- Request for Screening – Students may be referred by a parent, teacher, administrator, peer, or self. (ALL forms due by November 11, 2024)
- Initial Screening – Completed digitally by students upon receipt of Request for Screening/Referral Form (screening window is open from November 12, 2024 to December 13, 2024)
- Final Screening – District-level auditions (per invitation only February 15, 2025)
During the initial screening, screeners are looking for students whose interest and ability demonstrate potential in a specified arts area. Students may be screened in one or all of the three areas. Those who qualify at the final screening in more than one area will have to choose one area of focus for program participation.
Characteristics of Artistically Gifted and Talented Students are as follows:
- Display talent beyond that of their peers in one or more arts areas (Visual Arts, Music, or Theatre).
- Show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to their peers.
- Exhibit high performance capability in intellectual, creative, and/or artistic areas.
- Possess an unusual leadership capacity or excel in specific academic fields.
- Require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the schools.
These outstanding talents may be present in children and youth from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. If you feel that a student has exceptional talent in one or more of the arts areas and you would like for them to be screened for the REACH 2025 program, please complete (in full) the referral form prior to November 22, 2024.
As you consider requesting screening for a student, please keep the following items in mind:
- Many students who request screening may not meet the criteria under the gifted guidelines.
- Students selected for the REACH program will be expected to participate in three Super Saturdays.
- Workshops tentatively scheduled for March 29, 2025, April 26, 2025, and May 17, 2025, from 8:30 am –2:30 pm.
- Students are expected to attend the entire summer session, tentatively scheduled for June 2-19, 2025.
- Summer workshop classes are held 8:30 am–2:30 pm, Monday–Thursday only.
- This is NOT a summer camp. Students will be involved in an intense study in their art area. Only students who are committed to this kind of study should request screening.
- This year's meeting site is still to be determined.
- Summer Arts classes will meet at Sumter High School. Limited transportation will be available during June only.
- Lunch and snack will be provided daily for Saturday and summer sessions.