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Secondary Fine Arts Programs

Choral Programs

  • Our choral programs are led by qualified choral specialists who focus on building strong middle school choral programs that eventually feed into strong high school choral programs.
  • Any student who has a desire to learn to sing, can already sing, or enjoys choral music is encouraged to join the choral program at their middle school.
  • High school chorus is a continuation of the middle school Chorus experience but on a deeper level.  It’s recommended that Chorus be taken 1st and 2nd semester each year.

Band Program

  • A wide range of opportunities are available for students, including marching band, symphonic band, jazz band, indoor color guard, indoor percussion, and chamber ensembles.
  • Middle school band is a co-curricular elective 6th-8th grade students can select. Class registration is required to participate.
  • High school band is a continuation of the middle school band experience but on a deeper level. It is recommended that Band be taken 1st and 2nd semester each year.


  • Sumter School District has a long history of having outstanding orchestra programs. Hallmark successes of these programs includes numerous students annually earning seats in Region and All-State Orchestra.
  • Middle school orchestra is a co-curricular elective 6th-8th grade students can select. Class registration is required to participate.
  • High school orchestra is a continuation of the middle school orchestra experience but on a deeper level. It’s recommended that Orchestra be taken 1st & 2nd semester.


  • Theatre and/or dance programs are housed at Sumter High, Crestwood High, & Ebenezer Middle Schools.
  • These programs allow students opportunities to experience producing large main stage and musical performances, as well as smaller in-class performances.

Visual Arts

  • Students grow and develop exponentially during the middle school years. Our teachers recognize that finding passion & developing art skills at this crucial stage is essential to the developing artist.
  • High School Visual Arts programs in Sumter School District have a long history of excellence. There are a host of high school electives for students to participate in, from Ceramics to Photography.
  • Accelerated paths in visual arts are offered in high schools.


Heather Clemmons

Coordinator of Fine Arts and Gifted and Talented
1345 Wilson Hall Rd
Sumter, South Carolina 29150