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Comprehensive Health Education

The State Board of Education approved the South Carolina Academic Standards for Health and Safety Education on August 8, 2017. These Standards provide the scope and sequence for age appropriate comprehensive health education. The SC Standards are based on the 2007 National Health Education Standards.

South Carolina Academic Standards for
Health and Safety Education 
Instructional Resources
SC Department of Education

Along with the Standards, the Comprehensive Health Education Act of 1988 requires that each school board appoint a CHE  advisory committee to assist in the selection of curriculum components and materials. This committee must consist of two  parents, three clergy, two health professionals, two teachers, two students, and two other persons not employed by the local  school district. Each district advisory committee must carefully review all reproductive health education, family life education, and  pregnancy prevention education materials before they are used in the schools. 

Erin’s Law requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which  teaches: 

  1. Students in grades preK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult 2. School personnel all about child sexualabuse 
  2. Parents & guardians the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to  support sexually abused children and their families 

Health Education Materials

  • Kindergarten - 5th Grade: Health and Wellness  (McGraw Hill Publishers, 2014 )
  • 6 - 8th Grade: Glencoe Teen Health  (McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2021)
  • High School: Glencoe Health (McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2022)

Community Partnership Materials

  • Health Rocks! 4-H Healthy Life Series (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Beginning-2012/Intermediate-2013)
  • Heritage Keepers Abstinence Manual 1 & Manual 2 (Heritage Community Services, 2012)
  • GoNoodle Plus (GoNoodle, Inc., 2012-2016)
  • 4 - 5th Grade Puberty Training: Always Changing® Program 
  • Middle School: Botvin LifeSkills Training Promoting Health and Personal Development 


Richard Phillips

Coordinator of Secondary Science and Social Studies, Coordinator of PE/Health
1345 WIlson Hall Road
Sumter, South Carolina 29150